Monday, April 5, 2010

Summary of "Research on global sun bloack needed now" by Shivam Pathak

Lately, the concept of solar radiation management (SRM) in order to tackle climate change is gaining attention day by day. It is a form of geoengineering which helps in reducing earth's absorption of sun's rays by using aerosols and sulfur particles. There are arguments for and against this use of technology and research.Some scientists think that such research would only reduce the will to stop GHG emissions. Others argue that it may prove to be the best method in existence to tackle global climate change. At the same time there are known and unknown risks involved in implementing this technology.

SRM shows three important characteristics - it is fast , cheap and very uncertain. SRM could alter planet's climate - as suggested by Mt. Pinatubo volcanic eruption in 1991 , which lowered the global temperature by 0.5 degree Celsius. A few grammes of sulphate particles in stratosphere can replace tonnes of CO2 reflective power. In spite of these promising qualities SRM has its side-effects too. It can affect whole monsoon and wind patterns of earth leading to weakening of climatic zones. A world cooled by such measure would surely reduce rainfall and evaporation. Ozone holes would no longer be easily replenished. Thus , world cannot rely solely on SRM to combat climate change.

The need of the hour is to promote exhaustive research in this technology and at the same time create policies and norms to implement global understanding of governance of SRM. SRM no longer seems to be a cheap technology when its risks are considered.Hence , governments of the world must come into agreement to promote funding too. Field testing is extremely important. Bigger organizations like IPCC and UN must come into act of uniting different countries and asking for their full co-operation and commitments in order to know all advantages and hidden disadvantages of this technology.

There cannot be a choice between SRM and reducing GHG emissions as one can not choose between mitigation and adaptation.Hence , there is no pint of reduction of will to drop out other mitigation practices. SRM research would surely test commitments of countries of the world. Thus it is suggested to bring out a responsible management of climatic risks and assessment of this technology.The sooner we know of its side-effects the better it would be to find other alternatives and not relying on it in case of emergencies.